Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rhinovirus Herbal Remedy

posted by pink

7 C water
4 Tbsp + 1 tsp echinacea
2 Tbsp ginger
4 Tbsp lavender
3 Tbsp peppermint
2 Tbsp eucalyptus
¼ C sugar

Place ingredients into large pot. Bring to boil. Simmer 10 mins. Remove heat, allow to cool to room temperature. Remove plant material after manually squeezing water from it. Dose is 1/3 C, heated or sweetened as desired, 4 times daily for five days. Any combination of herbs is acceptable, as long as the total is 13 Tbsp plus 1 tsp. Either echinacea or ginger is needed for anti-viral or antibiotic effect. Ginger, lavendar, peppermint, and eucalyptus provide decongestant and expectorant aid. Ginger has anti-inflammatory action, as well. 1 Tbsp of ginger in one day could cause spotting in some women, user mileage may vary. Eucalyptus is usually available at florist shops. Use the leaves. Echinacea is also called coneflower. Some people raise it in their gardens and would allow you to harvest the petals and leaves once the flowers begin to wither. The same should be true of lavendar. The sugar helps to break down the cell structure of the plant material, increasing the concentration of phytochemicals. Most people like to add a bit more sugar to their doses: herbal medicine rarely tastes edible.

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